
Tutug Oncom As Food Typical Of Tasikmalaya

In the area of West Java, nearly everybody knows what its name Tutug Oncom. It looks a bit of simple, but when you taste it, you will feel a sense of distinctive and of course only good to be felt. Making a simple just by mixing between Oncom and rice as well as the addition of other ornaments that make the taste more Tutug Oncom feels special

These specialties are often invaded by people when they are on holiday to the town of tasikmalaya. They loved the Tutug Oncom because there is a sense of its own that is felt when eating the fermented beans and tutug are indeed very different from other foods.

TO, Oncom, Typical Food, Tasikmalaya, West Java, Indonesia

This special food just taste tasty kalo felt directly in the city where her, namely in Tasikmlaya. If it is felt in other cities, according to my knowledge, sense of Tutug Oncom isn't so bad, and was impressed.

That's typical of Tasikmalaya that can worldwide, and become your reference when going to the town of tasikmalaya.

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