
The Solo Batik With Patterns are Diverse

Solo is one of the cities in central Java which still adhere to the Javanese culture . Having a slogan  Solo the Spirit of Java . Solo was determined to continue to maintain and preserve Javanese culture . One is Batik .

Solo City is indeed one of the famous batik fabric shopping tour in Indonesia . Little about Batik . Batik is one way of making fabric . Refers to two things: the first is the technique of coloring cloth using the night to prevent staining in part of the fabric. In the international literature, this technique is known as wax-resist dyeing. The second notion is the fabric or clothing made with these techniques, including the use of certain motives which have peculiarities. Batik Indonesia, as the overall engineering, technology, and development -related motives and culture, UNESCO has been designated a Cultural Heritage for Humanity Oral and Nonbendawi ( Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity ) since October 2, 2009. Batik has become a city icon solo. typical batik solo already known throughout Indonesia and became the mainstay export products.

Solo Batik is famous for its style and its traditional batik pattern in the stamp and in the process of batik he wrote. The materials used for staining still remains a lot of wear domestic materials such as Java soga already known since the first. The pattern remained among others famous for "Sidomukti" and "Sidoluruh".

A few articles about typical of Batik Solo that characterizes the city of Solo, may be useful and beneficial for you.

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